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Blair Smith was born in Fairfax, Virginia in 1970, his family relocated at the age of 4 to South Jersey. First influenced by his mother and grandmother’s creativity, he followed his love of the arts to college. Attending the Art Institute of Philadelphia in 1988-1990, He graduated valedictorian of his class, receiving an Associates Degree in Illustration. His illustrations have appeared in Image Comics, Zenascope Comics & Dynamite Entertainment. In 2007 Tales of the Starlight Drive In, won the treasured BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL OF THE YEAR award in the 2009 Comics Buyer’s Guide Annual Fan Awards!
Nominated 2014 Ghastly Awards for Best one Shot Comic
Blair Smith’s Work
- Shaolin Death Squad – Pencils/Inks/Colors
- Pandora Inc. – Colorist
- Tales of the Starlight Drive In – Pencils/Inks/Colors
- Raphael – Colorist
- Knight Seeker (Smoke & Mirrors) Pencil/Colors/Letters)
- King of Fools – Colorist/Letters/Editor
- The Rejects – Pencils/Inks/Colors
- Battle Rappers – Colorist
- Edgar Allen – Pencils/Inks/Colors
- Knight Seeker (Book 1) – Graytonist?/Editor
- Cronus #1-3 (Indy Comic)Colorist/Editor
- Critical M.A.S.S. (Hound Comics)- Colorist
- Brimstone-Borderhounds – Issue 8 (Hound Comics)- Colorist
- The Living Corpse – Haunted (Dynamite Comics)
- 68’ (Image Comics) Pin-up issue # 1
- Screwed (Zenascope) Issue 5 Pin-up
- Jailbait:17 to Life ( Asylum Comics)
- Cover Art Dynamite Comics (Colorist)
- Army of Darkness Issue #5 Hack/Slash
- Turok Dinosaur Hunter # 1-4
- Battlestar Galactica #11
- Magnus Robot Fighter #1-2,4
- Flash Gordon # 1-7
- Six Million Dollar Man #1, 4-5
- BadAss #1-4
- Doctor Spector #1-3
- Solar #3-4
- Vampirella #1
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