[spb_row wrap_type=”content-width” row_bg_type=”color” color_row_height=”content-height” bg_type=”cover” parallax_image_height=”content-height” parallax_image_movement=”fixed” parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ parallax_video_height=”window-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” row_overlay_opacity=”0″ row_padding_vertical=”0″ row_margin_vertical=”0″ remove_element_spacing=”no” vertical_center=”true” inner_column_height=”col-natural” row_expanding=”no” row_animation=”none” row_animation_delay=”0″ row_responsive_vis=”hidden-xs_hidden-sm” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block title=”Be a Part of Galactic Con!” animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”flush-top” width=”1/3″ el_position=”first”]
Galactic Con brought over 2,500 people to our event last year. Our comic con was met with rave reviews, and only one main complaint… “too small!” Galactic Con’s success was due, in part, to our wonderful sponsors!
In 2016, we will be moving to a larger venue, and expanding our event to two days. We will have more artists, vendors and guests. Our sponsors will benefit from their exposure on our ads, print materials, freebies and banners. Please look over our sponsorship options below and feel free to contact me with any questions.
I hope we can work together in 2016!
Joe Manzo
[email protected]
[/spb_text_block] [spb_gallery gallery_id=”11392″ display_type=”masonry” columns=”4″ fullwidth=”yes” gutters=”yes” slider_transition=”slide” show_thumbs=”yes” autoplay=”yes” show_captions=”yes” enable_lightbox=”yes” width=”2/3″ el_position=”last”] [/spb_row] [spb_row wrap_type=”content-width” row_bg_type=”color” color_row_height=”content-height” bg_type=”cover” parallax_image_height=”content-height” parallax_image_movement=”fixed” parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ parallax_video_height=”window-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” row_overlay_opacity=”0″ row_padding_vertical=”0″ row_margin_vertical=”0″ remove_element_spacing=”no” vertical_center=”true” inner_column_height=”col-natural” row_expanding=”no” row_animation=”none” row_animation_delay=”0″ row_responsive_vis=”hidden-lg_hidden-md” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block title=”Be a Part of Galactic Con!” animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”flush-top” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Galactic Con brought over 2,500 people to our event last year. Our comic con was met with rave reviews, and only one main complaint… “too small!” Galactic Con’s success was due, in part, to our wonderful sponsors!
In 2016, we will be moving to a larger venue, and expanding our event to two days. We will have more artists, vendors and guests. Our sponsors will benefit from their exposure on our ads, print materials, freebies and banners. Please look over our sponsorship options below and feel free to contact me with any questions.
I hope we can work together in 2016!
Joe Manzo
[email protected]
[/spb_text_block] [/spb_row] [spb_row wrap_type=”content-width” row_bg_type=”color” row_bg_color=”#ffffff” bg_type=”cover” parallax_image_height=”content-height” parallax_image_movement=”fixed” parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ parallax_video_height=”window-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” row_overlay_opacity=”0″ row_padding_vertical=”0″ row_margin_vertical=”0″ remove_element_spacing=”no” vertical_center=”false” row_id=”features” row_name=”FEATURES” row_el_class=”no-shadow” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_divider type=”heading” heading_text=”Sponsorship Levels” text=”Go to top” top_margin=”0px” bottom_margin=”0px” fullwidth=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_icon_box title=”Gold Sponsor” box_type=”standard-title” icon=”fa-bullhorn” target=”_self” animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ icon_color=”#c98910″ text_color=”#000000″ bg_color=”#e0bb74″ width=”1/3″ el_position=”first”]
- 25 Family Passes
- Swag Bag Sponsor
- Digital Ad
- Vinyl Station Banner – Sponsored Sections*
- Website Profile
- E-Newsletter Spotlight
- Print Material
You may also provide inserts for our swag bags. Swag bags are given to all guests with paid admission, while supplies last.
*Additional Sponsored Sections: $50 + 5 Passes
[/spb_icon_box] [spb_icon_box title=”Silver Sponsor” box_type=”standard-title” icon=”fa-bullhorn” target=”_self” animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ icon_color=”#8a8a8a” bg_color=”#bbbbbb” width=”1/3″]
- 10 Family Passes
- Vinyl Station Banner – Sponsored Sections*
- Website Profile
- E-Newsletter Spotlight
- Print Material
You may also provide inserts for our swag bags. Swag bags are given to all guests with paid admission, while supplies last.
*Additional Sponsored Sections: $50 + 5 Passes
[/spb_icon_box] [spb_icon_box title=”Bronze Sponsor” box_type=”standard-title” icon=”fa-bullhorn” target=”_self” animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ icon_color=”#965a38″ bg_color=”#c29f8c” width=”1/3″ el_position=”last”]
- 5 Family Passes
- Website Profile
- E-Newsletter Spotlight
- Print Material
You may also provide inserts for our swag bags. Swag bags are given to all guests with paid admission, while supplies last
[/spb_icon_box] [spb_divider type=”standard” text=”Go to top” top_margin=”20px” bottom_margin=”20px” fullwidth=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/spb_row] [spb_promo_bar display_type=”promo-button” promo_bar_text=”Become a Sponsor Today!” promo_bar_text_size=”standard” btn_text=”Contact Us” btn_color=”gold” btn_type=”standard” href=”http://middletowncomiccon.com/2016-sponsorship-form/” target=”_self” bg_color=”#8b418c” text_color=”#ffffff” fullwidth=”yes” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Enter your text here